Pregnancy Ticker

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

That other shoe

You know the one. 

The proverbial other shoe. 

The one that drops. 

I am anticipating it dropping at any moment lately. Things are going a little too smoothly right now for The Captain and I. We don't usually go this long without things going terrible awry, is our luck turning around? Here's a look at how things are going lately.

1.) He was able to get 4 days off without cutting into any vacation time to go with me to D.C. in a few weeks.

2.) Carpets were cleaned yesterday and we got a discount that wasn't expected.

3.) I ordered the bookcase for the nursery yesterday. The order said shipping takes 4-8 business days, it will be delivered Friday.

4.) We are putting in new windows in our house that should take 4-6 weeks to arrive, they are coming in 3 weeks.

Everything is falling into place beautifully to be completed well before baby arrives and I love it but I am scared sh*tless at the same time. The guest room nursery, I need to stop calling it the guest room, is empty just begging to be filled with cute baby stuff. I promise will get the nursery inspiration board done soon so you can see the plans.

5 lovely notes from friends:

Anonymous,  January 26, 2011 at 10:36 AM  

I'm glad things seem to be going well! I can't wait to see nursery photos!

Chris & Kelly January 26, 2011 at 12:01 PM  

After all we go through to finally get there you deserve things to go well! No worries just enjoy! :)

Hoping for our own Peanut January 26, 2011 at 3:25 PM  

Youve been through enough, Im glad things are going your way right now!! Enjoy it!

Cant wait to see his nursery!

kayee January 26, 2011 at 9:25 PM  

This is the way it should be after everything you've been through!

Btw - you have an award on my blog.

Our Big Adventure!! January 27, 2011 at 10:06 AM  

I know that feeling... But just soak it all up and just know that I have been praying for all three of you :)

Baby room stuff: If you see anything Peter Rabbit, let me know!! I can't find anything with out it breaking the bank... Ugh.. wish I had room to bring it back from England when I moved back here :(

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