I am 3dp5dt today. Some of you are probably thinking "what the heck does that mean?". It's just a little IVF jargon that means I am 3 days past a 5 day transfer, roughly 8 days past ovulation in a natural cycle.
Nothing really to report except that my gluteus maximus is killing me. These PIO shots are not fun at all. I think a few times hubby might have stuck me a little too low, I feel like I have been working out those muscles all week and now they are sore. I don't think sitting on the couch watching TV is considered a workout though. I feel good, too good in fact. I have no side effects from pregnancy or the progesterone mimicking pregnancy symptoms. The doubt is starting to creep in even though I know it is way too early to have true PG symptoms. I am also agonizing over whether to test on Sunday which will be 6dp5dt. I know several women who got a BFP at that time. Ahhh the torture. . .
7 lovely notes from friends:
If you can hold out, I would. I am very glad that I did. I would have had a Negative had I tested early and I was actually pregnant. I don't want you to go through the heartache, especially if it is not for certain.
Keeping my fingers crossed! Let us know if you decide to POAS.
I'm not sure if your an early tester. I wasn't but after our first and only IVF, I couldn't stand it any more and I tested at 4dp5dt. I used a First Response and I within seconds I saw the faintest of faint lines! I couldn't believe my eyes. Just thinking about that moment gives me goosebumps. I hope you see a BFP soon. I'll be thinking of you!
Hey I found your blog through another I was following and since we are will be moving onto IVF, I find your blog to be very informative. It's nice to hear the specifics from people actually going through it rather than reading medical articles and whatnot. I pray this works for you and you have a very healthy baby(ies) in 9 months!!
Hang in there. The shots aren't so bad after a while. :) I tested on 10dp5dt and got my positive. God bless!
I'd hold out too. Not worth stressing out over if it comes back negative before the day of the beta. I'm crossing my fingers that your two embies are snuggled in for the long haul! Only 5 more days!
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