Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, November 29, 2010

12 weeks!

We made it to 12 weeks already, I can't believe it. At the end of this week we will be in the second trimester! Maybe, just maybe, some of the worries will start to cease. Our little peanut is now the size of a plum. Can I still call it a peanut then? The peanut is shifting into the growth and maturation stage after being in the critical development stage for weeks. Almost all of it's systems are fully formed now. 
Best Moment of the week: Buying maternity jeans! I went the the outlet mall with some girlfriends over the weekend and they had a Motherhood Maternity store. I got one pair of skinny jeans and one regular boot cut pair. I can't wait to start wearing them on a regular basis.

Epiphany of the week: Popcorn with Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top is a really delicious snack! Try it, I am begging you. Try it.

Entertaining question/comment of the week: I was looking up the meaning of our last name, Pollard, and it turns out one of the meanings is "remarkable head", aka large head, aka holy crap, aka this is going to hurt. By the way the Captain does have a rather large head. Please, baby take after me.

Obsessions: Not really a pregnancy obsession but I love Christmas time so this week is spent obsessing over decorating the house for Christmas and taking our Christmas picture for our Christmas cards.

What I am most looking forward to this week: Our NT scan tomorrow morning. We will get to see the peanut for an extended period of time tomorrow morning. I hope we get to hear the heartbeat again too.

What I miss the most: I don't miss, waiting for my period, buying tampons, being disappointed every single day, needles, medications and being told to just relax.

Symptoms: I think I am starting to feel round ligament pain. I keep getting sharp pains in my pelvic area if I do a lot of an activity or move a certain way. My bump hasn't really gotten any bigger than last week except that it is there 24/7 now, not just in the evening.

Milestones: Making it to 12 weeks, duh! Moving into the second trimester.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Thankful Day

Happy Thanksgiving! 

I hope everyone eats their weight in turkey, green bean casserole, stuffing and mashed potatoes today. I know I am going to. We have a lot to be thankful for this year but I am most thankful to Dr. Robert Edwards who devised the fertility treatment, IVF. Without him I am sure I would not be pregnant right now and my husband and I would still be longing for a baby. I pray everyday that those still waiting for their miracle receive it soon.

I am thankful for my husband, our dogs and of course the little peanut growing inside me. This is our first holiday as a little family and couldn't be happier. 

I am thankful for all of you. Without your support and encouraging words I would be lost. Most days I did not even want to get out of bed in the morning but then I would see a comment from one of you and I knew things would be better. Your friendships mean the world to me and I cherish each and every one of them. Thank you.

Oh yeah and one more thing. . .I am most thankful that I am not a turkey :)


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

11 weeks!

I decided I need to start organizing my updates a little better since I am coming out of my pregnancy brain induced fog. I am thinking a lot clearer these days. No more milk in the pantry instead of the fridge fiascoes. I am taking a cue from some other ladies about how to organize my weekly update feelings/thoughts. 

11 weeks! Holy freaking cow! I can't believe we are here already. It is going by way too fast and not fast enough at the same time. Our little peanut is now the size of a lime. He also no longer has webbed hands and feet! Our little peanut should be able to open and close his fists and is moving around quite a bit in his roomy womb; even though I won't get to feel him for quite some time.

Best moment of the week: Honestly it's being able to come off of the progesterone. No more meds! And no more shoving things up my lady chute every morning. Hallelujah!

Epiphany of the week: "I'm pregnant so let me have the last bowl of ice cream" ok not really an epiphany but I really wanted the ice cream.

Entertaining question/comment of the week: My hard drive went kaput yesterday at work and my boss's wife was trying to be helpful (insert sarcasm) and she says to me "Maybe it just doesn't like pregnant women" huh?

Obsessions?: Belly photos and wondering if I am just really bloated all the time or if this is the beginning of a baby bump?

What I am most looking forward to this week: Thanksgiving! I get to eat, eat and eat some more and no one can say anything because they are all doing the same thing.

What I miss the most: I have to say that so far I really miss red wine. There is something about getting together with your girlfriends drinking wine and chatting. I used to love having a glass of wine and take a hot bath while reading a good book at the same time.

Symptoms: Still nothing too drastic; the bloating, peeing more often and the sleepiness. But I think the tiredness is easing up because I actually stayed awake past 10:00 all week. Go me!

Milestones: Baby is now the proud new owner of non-webbed fingers and toes. Yay for not being a fish with a tail anymore! And now his little legs are kicking like mad to match his movable arms. Of course, I won't be able to feel this for some time but it's pretty sweet to think the baby is mobile now.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

D.C. fun!

I took over 200 photos so it was hard to narrow it down to which ones I should post. I hope you enjoy our nations Capital...

That's me and my best friend on the tour bus

Freedom Plaza, the bricks are laid out like Washington, D.C.

The White House

Ford's Theater

We had some important papers to sign in the Oval office

Beginning of the motorcade before Vice President Biden came out

The Vice President's limo

The White House

Washington Monument

Lincoln Memorial

Washington Monument and The Capital

Giant bronze statue of Albert Einstein

My beautiful sister, Amanda

The Capital Dome

The Capital

The Capital

Washington Monument

Lincoln Memorial

The view from my sister's apartment, she is very lucky!


Friday, November 19, 2010

Wouldn't you know it?

Infertility has been good for one thing this year, I have met my $2,000 insurance deductible for this year. The good news is the Nuchal Translucency Test coming up is covered 100%, I won't pay a dime. but since we will be delivering our baby in 2011 that means jack sh*t because I will still have to pay another $2,000 to my Dr's office before my 24th week. I knew that I would end up meeting my deductible because of how many times I have been to the RE and the many, many tests and prescriptions I have had over the last 10 months. But come on! I get one lowsy test covered for free, really? That's it? What other Doctor's appointments can I make until December 31st? 

Atleast we will have met our deductible by March of next year so everything for the rest of that year will be covered 100%. Stupid insurance companies, grrr I hate them. Ok rant over - sorry


Thursday, November 18, 2010

10 weeks!

It feels like I have so much to update you on. I was in Washington D.C. this weekend visiting my sister and had a blast. Although it was difficult trying to find a bathroom every hour. I downloaded my pictures from the trip last night and as soon as I get them organized I will post them. We saw the Vice Prez while we were there! We were walking from the North Lawn of the White House to the South Lawn and the streets were being blocked off and there were Police with semi-automatic rifles walking around. We knew something was up or about to go down. We were the only people around when we saw several police motorcycles leave the West Wing driveway with their lights on. We ran over there to get a better view and sure enough his limo pulled out and he waved to us. It was so neat! We toured the Capital and while we were there Congress was in session and let out while we were walking around. It was very cool being in the midst of all of that. Last time I was in D.C. I was in High School and could give a crap if I saw a politician giving a press conference or walking around. Anyway I had an awesome trip and really needed to see my sister. I miss her so much everyday.

Yesterday marked my 10th week of pregnancy! Two more weeks until we get to see the bean again, and yes I am counting down. I can't wait to see and hear the babies heartbeat again. I hope this time we get to see it moving too. Over the past week I have felt pretty good except for a few bad days. My middle is starting to fill out now and by the end of the day my belly is huge. I know it is just bloating and not baby yet but it gives me a little preview :). I did have to buy bigger bras already though. My sister works for Nordstroms and gets a great discount so she bought me two new bras this weekend. I love them they are so comfortable.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

First OB appointment went well!

Our meeting with the OB/GYN's office went really well. Everyone is extremely nice and friendly, they have 5 Doctors and 3 Midwives. For your first visit they have you meet with a Midwife and then you can decide if you want to stay seeing the Midwifes or see the Doctors, that way they know what days to schedule your appointments on. The Captain and I both really liked the Midwife we saw and decided to continue to see the Midwives. During labor if your Doctor is on-call then they come when they are needed and to deliver the baby. During labor if your Midwife is on-call then they come right away and stay until after the delivery, this option makes us feel more comfortable. They gave us a whole bunch of information to look over including natural birth methods and class schedules. The hospital does offer the 12 week Bradley Method class that we will take IF it doesn't conflict with the restaurant schedule. 

I asked her if we would be able to hear the babies heartbeat today and she said that 9 weeks is really early and if she can feel my uterus during the exam then she will try. No go! My uterus is tilted back so we wouldn't have been able to hear anything. Oh well, we have already heard it once and seen it twice so I know it's there. It still would have been nice to hear it this week too. I go back December 2nd for our Nuchal translucency screening test. 

The NT test uses ultrasound to measure the clear (translucent) space in the tissue at the back of your developing baby's neck. Babies with abnormalities tend to accumulate more fluid at the back of their neck during the first trimester, causing this clear space to be larger than average.

 All in all it was a very good but long appointment and we feel very confident in continuing on with them. So we have wait another 3 weeks before we get to see the peanut again. I hope time flies by.


9 Weeks

I can't believe I am 9 weeks already. Time sure is flying by. Only 3 more weeks until I am out of the first trimester and maybe, just maybe, I can start to relax and believe that this is all really happening. I have been such a slacker lately, I have not given an update in weeks. Truth be told there hasn't been anything to report. I haven't felt any different than when I wasn't pregnant. I think that may all beginning to change.

Insomnia: I haven't read this in any books and surely none of my pregnant friends have informed me about this. I am exhausted and can't wait to go to bed at night but then I lay there and cannot fall asleep for the life of me. When I finally do fall asleep I am up an hour later to go to the bathroom. It is amazing how much pee someone can make while sleeping. Then I lay there and can't fall asleep, again. I wake up every morning so exhausted, please tell me it gets better before the baby comes. I know I will be sleep deprived not just from the baby crying but from me not being able to stop staring at the baby. 

Morning Sickness: I think it has finally reared it's ugly head. I am not sure though. For the past two mornings I wake up and brush my teeth but before I am done brushing I start dry heaving. Nothing comes up, I sweat, I tear up and my nose runs as if I have been throwing up. Then it's done and that is that. No nausea or anything for the rest of the day. I can brush at night without any problems, just the mornings. What is that?

Food, please: I am hungry. All. The. Time. I eat all the time but still hungry. 

Don't get me wrong I welcome every single one of these because it means I am pregnant. Just giving you the facts about what is going on with me. I am grateful I am not throwing up all day and night.

We are meeting with an OB this afternoon, according to their website the first visit is more of an orientation and the second visit is the physical exam. I am not really expecting to see the baby or have anything done today. Bummer. There office consists of all women, Doctors and Midwives, I am excited to meet with the midwives because I want to hear what they have to say about natural birth. I really want to plan on having a natural birth and was worried that the OB's office we picked would not be open to that or supportive. Should be an exciting day today.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sofa picked!

Thanks for all of the feedback ladies! It was a big help in making my decision. I went back to the store again last night after I read all of your comments and re-looked at both options. I decided to go with my gut and get the leather one. I sat on it, laid on it and lounged on it, for a good fifteen minutes and decided it was more comfortable than the other one. I was really worried about the fabric with our Golden's hair. It seems all fabric is a magnet for her hair! At least with the leather I can wipe it down with a soapy rag every now and then. I really hope I didn't make the wrong decision.

Now I just need to vacuum the heck out of our old one to get it ready for Salvation Army to come pick it up. Maybe a little Febreze too!


Monday, November 8, 2010

New Sofa!

I am so excited I had to share. The Captain has finally agreed to get a new Sofa set! That may not seem like much but I have been trying to convince him to let us spend the money for 3 years!! Almost as long as we have been trying to have a baby, it is only fitting we accomplish this milestone too, right? Thankfully he says he trusts my judgment so I don't have to wait for  him to available to go with me to purchase it. Don't tell him, but I have been furniture shopping for weeks now and already have two to choose from. I could use a little feed back though from you guys.

Leather vs Microfiber? Remember we have two dogs and a baby on the way. The Captain is really not for the Mircofiber but I am not sure if I want to just get the leather just because he says so. :)

Our living room is very small so I am only able to do a sofa and a chair but I will make it work. Here are the two choices, sound off below. . .

Leather sofa
Microfiber sofa


Monday, November 1, 2010

Ultrasound #2 - graduated from RE

I just got back from our second ultrasound appointment and the baby looks perfect. I get so nervous on the way to these appointments that there is going to be bad news. I can't help it, it is engraved in me. But the baby has doubled in size and looking perfect. I forgot to ask what the heart rate was this time, dang it. I will attach the picture when I get home and can scan it.Our RE says that everything looks wonderful so we are graduated from his office and can now proceed as a normal pregnancy. I made an appointment with an OB/GYN for next Wednesday, I will be 9 weeks pregnant then. 

I have still not had any morning sickness at all, not even queasy. I really hope it stays that way! Fatigue really hits me about 9:30 every night still, like clockwork. The Captain just laughs and says all I do these days is eat and sleep. He thinks he's funny.

On a good note. He got a job! He is going back to Outback Steakhouse as a manager. That is what he did before the pizza place. I can't say that I am too happy about it. I am happy he is starting a job and will be getting paid but the hours are so long and stressful on him. Please pray that it is easier on him this time around than before.


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