Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, November 8, 2010

New Sofa!

I am so excited I had to share. The Captain has finally agreed to get a new Sofa set! That may not seem like much but I have been trying to convince him to let us spend the money for 3 years!! Almost as long as we have been trying to have a baby, it is only fitting we accomplish this milestone too, right? Thankfully he says he trusts my judgment so I don't have to wait for  him to available to go with me to purchase it. Don't tell him, but I have been furniture shopping for weeks now and already have two to choose from. I could use a little feed back though from you guys.

Leather vs Microfiber? Remember we have two dogs and a baby on the way. The Captain is really not for the Mircofiber but I am not sure if I want to just get the leather just because he says so. :)

Our living room is very small so I am only able to do a sofa and a chair but I will make it work. Here are the two choices, sound off below. . .

Leather sofa
Microfiber sofa

9 lovely notes from friends:

Just Another Day In Paradise November 8, 2010 at 9:13 AM  

We have microfiber and I hate it. Im always brushing it so the fabric all goes one way. Haaaate it. I wanted leather but Ray was afraid his booty would stick to it. Whatever...
Hooray for new furniture!
On a random side note, I was cleaning yesterday and came accross a load of lovenox. Do you know anyone in your ttc world that uses lovenox? I'd happily pass it along for the cost of shipping...
It seems wasteful to throw it away but I have happily exited the ttc world... so I dont know of anyone...

Jessica November 8, 2010 at 9:24 AM  

I personally like microfiber..its more homey and comfy. But I like both of the ones you picked!!

Anonymous,  November 8, 2010 at 10:03 AM  

We have microfiber, and I love it! I bought a little Dirt Devil hand-held vacuum and use that about once a week to get up the dirt and dog hair. Works like a charm. :)

Mommy & Daddy November 8, 2010 at 11:25 AM  

I too have microfiber and HATE IT! I had leather couches before micro and loved them. We even had our microfiber sprayed to help keep stains from soaking in, and easier to get out but it seems to not really work.

Robbie November 8, 2010 at 9:04 PM  

I have microfiber and I love it- and I love the fact that the furniture store gave me a fabric protection plan, and if anything gets on it, they will clean it for free. That makes it worth the difference :)

Nicole November 9, 2010 at 9:50 AM  

We had have leather. I hated the microfiber because we have dogs and there was ALWAYS hair on the hair is attracted to it or something. I love our leather worries about spills..or hair ect. So easy to clean and maintain. I love both of the couches in your pics though. Good luck deciding.

Our Big Adventure!! November 9, 2010 at 12:42 PM  

I like the look of the 2nd one, but the first one looks easier to clean and maybe allow you to stretch out on during the pregnancy? Have you looked into the couch units you can add on to? Leather will make you sweat as well and the humidity in Florida is awful... So maybe a sofa with stain resistant fabric, But big enough for you to lay out on and get comfy these coming months and wide enough so that both of you can lay down together :)

Erin W November 9, 2010 at 3:08 PM  

New here. Love the blog. We are in the middle of choosing new furniture too. We have always had leather. I thought I wanted microfiber, but after living in corporate housing with Microfiber and a toddler.... we are most definitely going with Leather again! So easy to keep clean and it's comfy too!

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