SA #2 down, 9 dpo
DH made it to his SA yesterday on time, what a miracle. He says he is done with this lab though, we should have paid the $110 to have the RE do it instead. There office is 3 miles from our house where the lab is 30 miles from the house. He goes back the PD (do you remember what that stands for?) hee, next Wednesday to hear all the results. Please pray that it is good news. Today I am 9 dpo, I think, I don't feel any different than I do every month so I am not getting my hopes up. DH and I had a long talk last night about our plans for the future.
On infertility:
After this cycle if we don't concieve we are going to see the RE for a consultation and begin either IUI or IVF depending on what she says. I told him that I don't think I can hit the 2 year mark without insanity, he agreed. He even said he would sell some of his stock so that we didn't have to take out a loan, this is huge he has been holding on to his stocks for about 10 years. Although at this point I don't care how much it costs, I would pay a million dollars if it meant we got to one day hold our baby in our arms.
On when we have a baby:
I have been struggling with what kind of father DH will be. I know he will be a great one but how involved. Let me tell you he LOVES his sleep and he is a very hard sleeper. For some reason we have never talked specifics on whose duty will be what. I was honestly really surprised that he said the 2 days off he has a week (which are in the middle of the week) our child will be home with him and not in daycare. What? That is awesome, I didn't know he felt so strongly about that. I thought it would be the crazy, overprotective mother who was so adament about having the baby home with them, not him. Awe, it melted my heart.
Have I told you how much I love this man?
I think I have a pretty good chart going right now, my temp went up a little this morning. As I said I am not getting my hopes up so I won't test again this cycle until after AF is late, oh boy that is right before we leave for our Thanksgiving trip to visit my family. Lets hope I can hold it together if it is a BFN.
1 lovely notes from friends:
I hope the SA comes back normal..and AF doesn't ruin your holidays!!
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