Pregnancy Ticker

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Another friend . . .

pregnant. *sigh* She told me last night when she got back into town and this is how she told me.

"Well I got to give my parents the coolest Christmas present, they are going to be grandparents."

I pretended to be happy for her and then I got into my car and let go. That was supposed to be me for the last 2 Christmas'. What sucks is when she started trying she came to me for advice on how to get pregnant. Like I'm the expert. right. Why does my advice work for her but not for me? Why? I am trying to be happy for them, they have been trying for 9 months and I remember what that was like for me at 9 months but that feels so long ago. How do you be happy for someone who is getting your dream?

I am tired of being the angry bitter infertile. . .

I am sick of 2009 and welcome midnight. . .

What sucks is she told me this last night and I have to go to her house tonight for a New Year's Eve party. How will I get through the night?

1 lovely notes from friends:

Eileen January 4, 2010 at 8:50 PM  

Uggghhh. 2009 was the year of pregnant friends for me too. So glad we get a fresh start now. No where to go but up from here right?

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