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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Babies and more babies

Wow, I am back from my 9 day holiday with family, family and more family. Sorry I haven't had the chance to blog while I was gone. Atleast while I was away from my husband I was only waiting to O and we haven't missed the eggie yet. I should O any day now. So I am praying for a Christmas BFP. While I was away my uterus was very happy because I got to meet my new cousin, Daegan, last week. It was hard being around when they were having Mom and baby moments but I know my time will come. I did get to feed her and rock her to sleep, that is the most precious feeling, when they fall asleep in your arms holding onto your finger. I can't wait to do that with our children. When I get a free moment I will upload a picture of her, she is beautiful. She will be 10 weeks this week.

On another subject, do any of you have friends with babies and you told them repeatedly that you will babysit for them for free anytime? Well ALL of our friends have children, 2 years or younger, and I have offered to babysit all of them and not once has anyone taken us up on our offer. Well, last night I got the text to babysit for a friend of mine all day on Saturday, granted her son is 18 months old now but still. I am super excited and can't wait. She is going to leave me a car seat so we can go anywhere we want. Any good ideas on what to do to keep an 18 month old entertained for 8 hours? He is the cutest kid too.

More babies...congratulations to Bonnie and her husband for welcoming their new son, Liam, into the world early this morning. They deserve to be parents more than anyone I know and "Juno" was their blessing. Congratulations again!

2 lovely notes from friends:

Jenni December 1, 2009 at 11:45 AM  

If you are really that serious about babysitting, we will plan to take you up on it too! :)

Erin December 1, 2009 at 11:51 AM  

yes I am, you know how much I want and love kids. Even if they aren't mine. :)

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